Very sexual escorts, the ones they prefer

Very sexual escorts, the ones they prefer


Very sexual escorts are not exactly those who demand sex at all hours, not even those who are vulgarly considered nymphomaniacs, if not those who in bed is the benchmark of what clients like. Obviously, they are very sexy escorts who love everything related to the world of sexual games, but they also have that way of being that makes men fall in love.


You may wonder, what do they have or really do so that their customers are delighted with them. The keys to what very sexual escorts really are, we will try to summarize them below.


First of all, it should be noted that those who are very sexy escorts who never have any qualms about taking the first step. Yes, they like to take the initiative, they are not afraid of what their clients think, but they get carried away by the situation to the surprise of many men.


But this type of escort, very sexually active, will know how to make their clients see that they are the only ones for them. Those chosen so that this behavior of active sexual women is special and different.


What makes them different?


Leave prejudices aside. This is the second weapon of the conquest of these very sexual escorts. As in the previous case, without trying to give an image that may confuse them, but that they denote that they are with a highly sexual woman will always be to their liking. We are talking about normal prejudices, it is not about letting them be carried away by what they dislike, but knowing what their most intimate fantasies are and little by little making them come true.


It is important not to cross that fine line of what they want and what can be unpleasant for escorts. It is no use saying yes to everyone. In the end, the client will lose interest in sexual conquest and will not value the great escort that he has by his side.


They praise how well the man behaves in bed, they talk about his penis, how good he feels, chat naturally, suggest new positions. Even thanking them for their efforts to please them will always be an unequivocal sign of how well very sexual escorts behave in bed.


Pretend or enjoy?

And to finish, let's talk about those cries of satisfaction, which many escorts almost exaggerate in bed for the pleasure of their clients. Sometimes they don't stop thinking that they are escorts suffering from nymphomania, which in the end tends to be uncomfortable.


Like everything in life, perfection is in the middle, so they will not be the type that can cause problems with the neighborhood if they go to homes. Nor will they put the man in a compromising situation, since his moans and words will be entirely sensual and admired by the client.


In addition to the pleasant company, and to admire their beauty, escort clients want to actively enjoy sex. So better than a girl who is very active in her sexual behavior.