Tricks to satisfy the woman in bed

Tricks to satisfy the woman in bed


To satisfy a woman sexually, you need a physical connection, but also an emotional one. The slut needs to feel at ease and not everyone can offer her this.

Amorous adventures begin with whores who fuck in Toledo and with a stage of idealization, in which your mind gets used to the idea of ​​this connection. In this way, we fall in love, but to strengthen the bond created, sexual fulfillment is also necessary. Fortunately, if you have difficulties in this regard, there are certain tricks to satisfy a whore that can be of great help.

Remember that the best fucking whores in Toledo need more time to feel ready for sex. One of the most common mistakes men make with whores is that they rush into penetration. Rather, they should focus more on stimulating the partner's erogenous zones.

The duration of "effective" foreplay depends on the age, desire, and connection between the woman's partner. The whore's vagina must be well lubricated before penetration. Therefore, you can use commercially available lubricants or even saliva. If your vagina is still dry, this is not the time to start. 

The media have perpetuated ideas about orgasm that do not correspond to reality. But often hot-whores don't orgasm and men have a hard time satisfying their partners.

There are many very whores in Toledo who reach the heights of pleasure, but the orgasm goes unnoticed. It is normal to have only a few drops or a cloudy liquid similar to sperm. 

In some cases, there is too much pressure to reach orgasm, which leads to decreased arousal. This pressure is useless because in the end, women who die without being whores feel disappointed and the man doubts his ability to please his little whore .

Some women can have multiple orgasms, but others need breaks of 1 to 30 minutes. If your mature whore who fucks like a whore in Toledo is in the second category, something important to know is that the second orgasm will come much faster than the first.

The good news is that there are no limits, which is why a woman can have an orgasm repeatedly. In general, multiple orgasms occur after stimulation of the clitoris and the G-spot.


It is clear that every bitch is different, and that does not mean that you are an inexperienced couple. Although some whores more than whores can have multiple orgasms, others "struggle" to have at least one. However, there are a few ways to increase their number:

 · Be patient: your partner may have more and more orgasms with each sexual intercourse. · Pay attention to your limits: some whores don't need more orgasms to feel satisfied. · Establish a link between affection and pleasure. That is, when she is about to have an orgasm, give her lots of caresses, kisses, and sweet words.

  • Know well what hookers like: try different approaches and pay attention to their reactions. If he reacts positively, repeats the "move" next time.

The whores that rule us in Toledo take into account several factors when choosing a partner, taking into account both the social and emotional aspects. A whore feels fulfilled when the person she finds support in every day also satisfies her in bed.