Tantric sex: best positions for more intense orgasms

Tantric sex is known for its ability to produce more intense and long-lasting orgasms. Some consider it as a prior practice of the sexual act, but beyond that, there are the innumerable benefits that each of the positions makes it up to bring with them.

Best of all, everyone's tantric sex can be practiced without limitations and regardless of the lifestyle they lead. Such is the case of people who maintain an open relationship and enjoy Madrid escort services but from a tantric point of view.

They enliven their sexuality, enjoy it to the fullest, and are fully confident people. If you want to enjoy the wonders of tantric sex, here we present everything you need to know about it. In addition, we include the best tantric positions for more intense orgasms.

Tantric sex: best positions for more intense orgasms

In short, what is tantric sex?

Before defining tantric sex, it is undoubtedly necessary to create a relationship with tantra and what its philosophy represents. Where its basic principle is the connection of all living beings through energy.

Therefore, this ancestral practice refers to the displacement and emanation of intra-corporeal sexual energy outwards to create a greater bond with the couple. It refers to the ability to experience new emotions and sensations through meditative sex.

It also represents sensuality in all imaginable aspects that begin with the full development of reason. All the energy that is produced is transformed in the body and is sexually connected with the partner.

Therefore, it is a sexual practice that can last for hours, where the ultimate goal is penetration. That results in indescribable orgasms surrounded by a climax built with the energy of both bodies intertwined.

Why is it beneficial to include tantric sex in the sexual act?

The main benefits of tantric sex have an all-encompassing starting point. That is, an integral balance is created between matter, mind, emotions, and the spiritual. For example:

  • There is greater knowledge about the limits that the body has during sex.
  • Orgasms can come simultaneously by stimulating erotic awareness.
  • Tantric sex reduces the anxiety levels that the couple may have.
  • It allows you to discover and understand how the body works better from sex.
  • Improves extrasensory perception creating a stronger intimate connection in the couple.
  • Sexual practices are getting better and more intense.

Best Tantric Sex Positions

full enjoyment of tantric sex

The full enjoyment of tantric sex can be achieved with the following positions that we will present to you below.


The Lotus position is one of the best known and most used in tantric sex. Basically, because it has the ability to create an instant connection between practitioners. These can synchronize your breathing while you perform smooth and slow movements.

On the other hand, it consists of one of the members sitting cross-legged while the other is placed on his lap, wrapping his partner's body with his legs. Once they have adopted this position, they hug each other, take deep breaths, and stimulating movements.

After a few minutes of doing the exercise, they can give way to penetration with the same intensity in the movements. Letting the energy of both flow into the environment.

The butterfly

It will be necessary to have a table nearby or some tall piece of furniture for this position. One member of the couple lies on her while the other takes her feet and supports them on her shoulders. Next, he takes her hips and proceeds to the penetration. If you like to have deep penetrations, the butterfly in tantric sex is ideal for it.


Unpaid is an ideal position for gentle penetration and enjoyment. Both must be seated facing each other, while the woman raises one leg and her sexual partner proceeds to penetrate her. The intention of this position is not to reach orgasm, but to build a higher climax that allows you to enjoy the entire sexual act.


orgasm with an escort from hEscort.com

This position is very simple and perfect for the moment before orgasm with an escort from hEscort.com, being easier to control to make it more durable. In this case, the man will have to lie on his back, while his partner will adopt a position with sight on his feet.

That is, she will have her back to him while she is the one who controls the moment of penetration and its intensity. You can bend down and reach up to your partner's feet for support and balance to allow you to move more freely until you reach the peak of arousal and orgasm.