Sexual odors Partner chemistry

Sexual odors  Partner chemistry


Sexual odors on many occasions are something that is mythologized by the legend of the segregation of both testosterone and pheromones, substances that our body produces, but that actually lack an odor.


If it is true that both in sexual preambles and in more intense relationships we perceive with greater intensity the sexual odors that come off the body of the man or the woman. Those of the human body and that can sometimes be deeply exciting. Many men and women feel passionate after smelling the sweat that occurs in sexual intercourse.


Others prefer that hygiene is not excessive, in order to enjoy in their own way the sexual smells that we all give off if hygiene is not perfect. In fact, we can even find historical cases such as that of Emperor Napoleon who thus addressed his beloved Josefina by letter when he returned from a battle.


"I will arrive in Paris tomorrow night: Don't wash" (Napoleon)


But ultimately, and as strange as it may seem to us to hear it like that, we are still physics and chemistry. That is why our bodies do give off sexual odors during sex. Semen and vaginal fluids during friction do produce a more or less intense characteristic odor. Keep in mind that the sweat produced is also involved in this chemical process, which makes it exciting.


Clarify that the pH of semen itself, being an alkaline composition, is high compared to that of vaginal flows, which is very low. This combination and chemical reaction is what causes the highest sexual odors that also help make sex even more pleasant.


But this chemical composition can be altered when other elements intervene. Water, gels, small drops of urine, make sexual smells vary, but never without losing their appeal.


And is that if we had to make an assessment, sex smells, yes. And it becomes a pleasure for our finest senses.


Food and sexual odors


A healthy and balanced diet helps to have a good vaginal odor, however, there are many foods that do not exactly help the vaginal discharge to obtain a good smell.

Let's see what they are:

  • Onion and Garlic


Although both foods are rich in nutritional properties and perfect for a healthy heart, they cause a bad smell in the vaginal fluids that can ruin a good sexual relationship.


  • Spices


Curry, oregano, and pepper, also belong to that series of foods that we must control. Its intake in amounts higher than normal also causes bad sexual odors in the female genitalia.


  • Café


One of our favorite days and social drinks such as coffee can turn an expected sexual encounter, into a situation where the smell of female flows. To combat both the odor it leaves on the breath and its negative influence on the female intimate area.


Other foods such as broccoli, red meat, also influence producing bad sexual odors. Therefore, try to reduce its consumption if you want sex devoid of annoying odors. Your partner will thank you.