Old Prostitutes. Because for tastes colors.

Old Prostitutes. Because for tastes colors.

It may be that many of us came to mind even for some ephemeral moment, wondering what it will be like to have sex with a senior woman? But the safest thing is that daring to woo an old woman is not something that catches our attention, especially if we have to walk around holding hands with her and playing the role of boyfriends at her side. But if we still maintain curiosity and want to try the experience of trying the meat of the oldest women, we may have an ally in the old Escorts that have now become fashionable again.

Yes, you have read "Old Escorts" well. The main problem is that the most famous of them are located in South Korea, where elderly women are making prostitution their way of life. The Bacchu Girls (that's what they call the Old Escorts)in Korea), well known in Seoul, are adult women who live by selling bottles of a drink known as Bacchu. In addition to soft drinks, some go on 'walks' with old men who pay them a few won in exchange for sex. The situation has set off alarms because the use of injections to improve men's performance has triggered infections. However, the poor quality of life conditions for the elderly in that country has forced the grandmothers to stand on the corners, something that in their traditional homes they were never taught.

The center of this sex market is Jongmyo Park, located in the heart of Seoul. It is a meeting place for retirees, where some play chess, others comment on the neighbors.

But there is also the reality of 21st-century Korean society: the clumsy and secret relationships between adult men and women.

Women in their 50s, 60s, even in their 70s, are located on the edge of the park, offering bottles to men. Buying a single one can be the first step of a solitary journey that will end in a cheap hotel across the corner.

But the women are silent. Men are the only ones who seem to want to talk about it.

Gathered around a chess game, a group of grandparents watches the slow progress of the game. And half of those who are there, they say, have used the services of the Bacchu Girls.

"We are men and we are curious to be with a woman," says a man whose name is Kim. He is 60 years old.

Older But First Time Escorts Most "Bacchu Girls" started selling their bodies when they were more mature, as a result of a new kind of poverty of the elderly.

This is defined by Dr. Lee Ho-Sun, who is perhaps the only person who has studied the subject in detail.

One of the people he interviewed for his research was a woman who started prostitution at the age of 68. There are about 400 women who work in the park, who have been taught since childhood that respect and honor are the most important thing in the world.

"A 'Bacchu Girl' told me, 'I'm hungry, I don't need respect or honor. I just want to eat three times a day," says Lee.