Medieval sex, machismo and domination

Medieval sex, machismo and domination


We have been able to imagine medieval sex from scenes from period movies, but nothing could be further from the treatment that has always been given. That of good manners in the courteous sense of the word is nothing more than a fallacy. Men were not distinguished precisely by treating a woman like a lady, much less in conjugal relationships.


Centuries later if a certain refinement was reached in every way, and even prostitutes were part of high society in the most civilized countries of the time. But medieval sex was characterized especially by a dominant machismo such as has not been experienced at any other time in history.


Men indeed organized orgies for their own enjoyment. Prostitution was the center of all sexual activity, and even the Church did not see it with bad eyes since it had an impact on the public coffers and avoided the wrong way: homosexuality. But not only was her role left there. The priests of the time had to know in-depth medieval sex, that is, if someone in their sexual practices went out of the missionary position (the only one allowed and to procreate) they had to know all of them to consequently put penance correspondent.


Sex and religion


Sex and religion were never so united as in the Middle Ages.


However, women also took sides when trying to enjoy sex, and achieve that longed-for orgasm that was so difficult for them. Thus, and with the help of the stove, they tried to make the man more fiery and have more stamina to please her. One of the medieval sex customs


As a curiosity to comment that it was a very widespread practice to put a live fish into the vagina. This gave them considerable pleasure, but once he died, he was used to cook it and feed it to her husband. The time believes that in this way they would achieve an aphrodisiac effect.


Medieval sex, just as it was closely linked to religion, also had close ties to witchcraft. After sessions in secret clans and homemade potions, the woman took a series of products made to serve as a contraceptive method. Something that the Church logically viewed as a demonic act.


Male domination


The Middle Ages were not exactly the best time for the evolution of complete female sexuality, quite the opposite, and the importance of the pleasure of sex was solely intended for men.


Prostitutes were respected by men who came to claim novel pleasures that they did not find in their own home, since women were relegated to other tasks and no one cared about their sexuality. Neither did they themselves since they assumed the role of wife and faithful lover, but with the obsession of taking care of their sons and daughters. In short, they were "the warrior's rest", and as such, they behaved.


It was not until a few centuries later that women discovered the intense pleasures of sex and claimed the same rights as men, but to reach that point, they had to overcome too many social and cultural barriers.