Escorts Madrid: beyond sex and massage

Escorts Madrid pasionate sex and massages

Escorts Madrid: Beyond sex and massages

There's a profession as old as the world, which will never disappear, and always will be in demand.

Relations between men and women have always been surrounded by factors: social, personal, taboos, marital roles, rules of conduct and obstacles of all kinds and forms that prevent, in many cases, a satisfactory relationship. A headache.


That is why one of the most requested services in a city like Madrid are those of prostitutes, massage "happy ending" by women, and all kinds of variations and sexual services. And not just by women to men: for years is not uncommon that they are the ones who hire the services of them, nor is longer uncommon, albeit minority, gay or lesbian sex.


But like everything in life, also this kind of evolving services, and from the old trade street, the "whores" It has been gradually refined up to give an almost completely new profession: the (and) escorts .


Escorts. Reinventing the wheel of female company.

It is no longer about having a beautiful woman, willing and ready to meet any sexual whim within the four walls of a room. Modern prostitutes yesterday to give way escorts today, and even disassociated from sex.


For many, being escort is no longer something to hide, dangerous, demeaning or stigmatized. Accompanying services may or may not include sex, but always include highly specialized services and self - worth.

A good escort must necessarily be a woman out of the ordinary, with a degree of personal sophistication, control of situations, education level, cultural level and even acting skills as an actress well above usual. Your customers require these skills because of how unfold exactly as companions what they get will depend on hired any.


Useless to be a companion if you leave bad to the customer, not you behave, you dress, act or converse with the expected level in a woman with whom he is related. The goal is to be, almost, a perfect woman, with none of the drawbacks of man-woman relationship would in real life.


Discretion, elegance, safety.

If anything characterizes this service is the absolute need for privacy and discretion: no one should know that she's not really your partner. And for this a good escort must have a basic knowledge of him before incriminating questions of others, or have the ability to dodge effective responses that could discover.

Elegance that is attached to these professionals, who often accompany hotels in representation dinners in luxury or holiday evenings, it is another great must-have feature.

And finally: security and peace of mind that the "trick" will not be discovered is an integral part of the contracted service.


And you, what reason have to enjoy the company of escorts?