Erotic games with escorts.

Erotic games with escorts.


The erotic games with escorts are part of the casual encounters in almost an essential way. What we know as preliminaries every day takes on more importance with the companions we request to be able to spend pleasant moments with them. We cannot deny it.


According to studies carried out, a very high number complain that erotic games that precede intercourse in their relationships are scarce or of poor quality. However, this is not the case with escorts, since, with them, clients enjoy more than with their partners.

It is the escorts themselves who ensure that in each appointment there are erotic games with their clients. In this way, they will be able to offer their services as companions or company girls more naturally. And it is that the man is not normally aware that everything that precedes the penetration is something fundamental for the woman. However, with escorts everything is different. On many occasions, they are not limited to actions that do not involve authentic erotic games as escorts like.


Importance of erotic games in sex


Culturally, men do not enjoy foreplay or erotic games as much as women do. In many cases, it is an obligatory step since their rapid excitement makes them forget those moments and on many occasions, these preliminaries are performed almost out of habit with their stable partners. But with the young and beautiful escorts, everything changes. In her company, she seeks a series of pleasurable satisfaction beyond intercourse. Hence the little interest that many of them show with their partners, they multiply next to beautiful escorts.


What erotic games do escorts like?


We are going to reveal some secrets of what escorts really like in the form of erotic games.


First of all, the importance of a previous massage is something that melts them. Feeling his strong hands caressing the escort's body is something that has no comparison. But we mean more than just dropping them off your shoulders or chest. Also, the legs, starting from the thighs to the feet, have their charm. And of course without haste. What is said a quality massage? Without a doubt, something that any escort will excite to later maintain a good sexual relationship with her client.


The fact of not focusing exclusively on the genitals is something that is appreciated, which is why escorts like their imagination to flow in the form of kisses that run through their bodies. An original way to do this "bath" of kisses is to do it from the top down but perpendicularly. Yes, starting at the neck, going down the chest or back until reaching the legs or stopping at the ass. But be careful, always perpendicular. It will be a surprising way to stimulate the chosen escort.


Verbal language and erotic games


Verbal language is also usually a great ally of erotic games for escorts. For this, we must not forget to measure the words. What turns some of us on may seem like an insult to others that will ruin the occasional relationship.


In the same way that you must never forget to kiss. This sometimes produces a feeling of not feeling wanted, especially when it only occurs at the beginning of erotic games. Yes, the man must kiss all over the body of the escorts. You have to find the moments where the kisses flow naturally. At the end of the day, they are still the sweetest moments of the relationship that an escort maintains with a true gentleman.