COVID-19: everything about the virus and how to prevent it

COVID-19: everything about the virus and how to prevent it

As you probably hearing and seeing ye everywhere, coronavirus pandemic is very present and is wreaking havoc around the world. Although, for children and adults is not extremely dangerous, for elderly or people with chronic diseases, COVID-19 can be a health risk.

Like all media and social networks seem to have gone mad with alarming news that create panic and not really answer our questions about the coronavirus, we wanted to offer official information received from the World Health Organization in relation to COVID-19 and the steps we must take to avoid infection.

The most important thing in situations like this is to choose our sources of information well to avoid unnecessary panic or misinformation, and maintain hygiene measures that keep you away from the virus.

We know that confinement and confinement is still difficult, especially for escorts, who live on a job that definitely can not be done without physical contact.

What is COVID-19 and what are the symptoms?

The coronavirus is an infectious disease that presents a simple transmission symptoms such as fever, tiredness and dry cough. In some cases, it may also have a sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose.

This virus is severely affecting the sex industry, as did the AIDS virus ateriormente. However with the AIDS virus it existed they could take certain precautions and the use of condoms prostitutes felt safe. Now it's different, because we are talking about a similar virus to the flu and can not only prevent infection by using condoms.

The measures taken by the state, confinement and physical distance, being the ruin of escorts that have to be creative and find a way out of this crisis.

What can you do to avoid infection?

Recommendations to prevent contagion are the same as to avoid getting caught or being rather the flu. They are intended more for the infected do not continue spreading that you can to avoid becoming infected.

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
  2. If you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose
  3. If you feel bad, go and rest if you need a doctor asks you see at home. 

Note that this virus, although mild in children and young people can be a problem for the elderly or persons with pre-existing conditions. Do not expose and help them in everything you can, if you need to do your errands, go to the grocery store or pharmacy.

Statistics COVID-19

  • 80% of those infected recovered without receiving any special treatment.
  • 1 in 6 patients develop difficulty breathing, and it is high-risk individuals such as the elderly or others with previous illnesses.
  • The incubation period can range from 1 to 14 days.
  • Antibiotics do not work, since these are not intended to attack the virus but bacteria. Taking antibiotics in hopes of attacking the coronavirus, in this case, it will be meaningless.
  • Pets not transmit COVID-19.

Alert in Spain

For the moment and to the state of alert in Spain, our girls, the same as a large part of citizens, have been forced to stop working and are waiting to pass this situation as soon as possible and with the least damage to everybody.