Black kiss - The sumun of pleasure with escorts

Black kiss - The sumun of pleasure with escorts


The black kiss is undoubtedly one of the services that are most demanded by escort clients.


And it is that for escort girls, doing it naturally, with passion, is exciting. They enjoy rimming their clients and they don't hide it. These are the best for random encounters in which we want more than oral sex, and that leaves customers well satisfied.


The good rimming is an art It is not about imitating porn actresses. Raising and lowering your head faster and faster does not mean that they are giving us pleasure with their lips and tongue. Both through the penis and the anus.


For rimming, several aspects must be taken into account. We have talked to them and have come to know some of the tricks not to forget.


Always put passion into a good black kiss

Escorts who perform rimming should not imitate scenes from porn movies because the only thing they will do is make their partner have to pretend that he likes her.

In porn movies we see a couple of actors; In reality, if we dedicate ourselves to copying what we see without noticing if our partner likes it or not, we will probably be screwing up.

It never hurts to ask or raise your eyes to see how work is going. The face, the breath, everything counts to know if you just like it or you love it.

The passion for oral sex is essential to get a good black kiss from the escorts to their clients.

Increase sexual tension


One of the best rimming tricks is sensuality and seduction. Many escorts play with looks, hands, and caresses before licking their clients' anus.

For most men, feeling that the girl likes them is very important. She is responsible for playing with him and tempting him. If there is time, why not delay black sex and turn up the sexual tension?

The escorts themselves tell us that one of the keys to how to do the black kiss is the use of the tongue and lips. You cannot leave your mouth as if it were a hollow hole. They have to notice your tongue and lips to feel maximum pleasure.


Clients have only confirmed what they say and have also added that dedicating only to what is the penis is a failure when the most exciting thing is to combine oral sex with a good black kiss. Men have a lot of sensitivity in the testicles and the skin between them and the ass. When an escort knows how to do a good black kiss, she does not forget all that "

Hygiene and the black kiss


According to the escorts, an intense shower just before sex is a staple and more so for good black sex. The escorts will always lead you to the shower and if they don't, you can go straight to wash. If you go clean, she will do much better. Hygiene is basic in sex.


Do not forget that the anus is full of germs and bacteria, so the escorts do not want to contract a disease when performing the rimming. Hence, the black kiss, unlike other escort services, requires good preparation for hygiene.